“Login-M” –

разработка и интеграция комплексных электротехнических решений, подбор и логистика оборудования, проектирование и управление строительством, консалтинг. Является частью акционерной группы компаний наряду с «Электротехническая компания Эко свет», «Эко Свет Нева», «Лампа.ру»


Most of the tasks appearing during the construction process are effectively being solved by means of close cooperation with partner companies. For fourteen years of work in the market, we managed to create a real partner network, which we justifiably consider to be one of the most valuable resources of the company.

Our partners are organizations and individual specialists who are responsibly involved in solving the client’s problems, taking into account the mutual interests of the parties.

They carry out their activities in the following fields:

  • development, testing and production of equipment;

  • designing of engineering solutions;

  • transport and warehouse logistics;

  • construction;

  • distribution;

  • other fields where specialized services are provided.

The participation of intermediaries in services is an important part of our activity. Realizing this, we pay special attention to the process of choosing the partners and we are regularly monitoring the quality of their work.

Years of experience and also an excellent knowledge of industry participants allow us to match only the best partners for each specific client task.

Login-M performs as a guarantee company and responsibly assumes a reasonable part of the risks associated with the activities of our partners.

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«Login M» is an expert company with offices in Moscow and Saint Petersburg. It is a part of the group of companies along with «Elektrotekhnicheskaya kompaniya Eko Svet», «Eko Svet Neva», «Lampa.ru»

«Login M» is an expert company with offices in Moscow and Saint Petersburg. It is a part of the group of companies along with «Elektrotekhnicheskaya kompaniya Eko Svet», «Eko Svet Neva», «Lampa.ru»